Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 31 2009

from yahoo finance on Jan 2nd:

Basic Stats for first business day of the new year:
Oil crude barrel: 46.34
DJA today: 9034.69 Optimism today!
S&P 500: 931.77
Gallon of gas here: 1.49-1.55

yahoo finance on Jan 30th:

DJA 8000.86
S&P 825
Gallon of Gas here: 1.97-1.95
Gallon of crude: somehwere in $40's

Worst January ever EVER for the DJA.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22 2009

Phoenix Light rail line day with S, Leanna and Donna and I. We went to ride Light rail for the first time today from one end of the line to the next. it's only been working about a month. I wish it was closer to my own house!

Went to Mesa and had lunch at a place there and then came back. It was worth doing and I got some pics although not many enough to see what the trains and stations look like.

This is the link to the pics I took:

This was easier to do than loading them here.

more later, shamba

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jan 12

Spent a lot of time online today because I went through all my email addys and got rid of 6 of them! Only 10 left LOL. I also went through all the saved/stored mail at yahoo and earthlink and got rid of unnecessary emails, forwarded ones to be stored at paid accounts. I went through my address book, too! Still a lot of emails but I recognize all the names now!

Also, went through webspace/file manager and got rid of some extra files I didn’t need. Fixed some links, too, and uploaded some Real Life photos at—this is part of yahoo and has some free space--and sent the link out to 3 people so they can see the photos, too.

This all took about 3 hours along with my regular news/blog/doom readings. I don’t have the sense I need to read about coming doom because it seems that we’re dealing with all of it in real life in real time these days.

I’m hoping some cyber friends can make a drive out this spring to see the desert/and visit several cyber and real life friends in a month or two when the desert should be blooming. I know I have some photos of desert flower??? Now where did I store them—perhaps I never scanned them before I got the digital camera????

The other day I got all the stock/investment info put into a portfolio at Yahoo. Just the names mostly not much other info anyone could get out of it. All of Mom’s stuff and mine is there.
I feel the winds of new life/new year and these winds always blow away the leftover dust/leftover feelings you don’t want/detritus of 2008 and leave the permanent memories—positive and negative—but make the way for new things.

J I have a few more people to email or contact that haven’t heard from me in a while. Phone and email work the easiest for this.

Gas prices have started to rise here about 10-15 cents.

cheers, shambalayogi

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jan 7

Time rushes on it seems. Wasn't it just Halloween?

Tryng the dehydrator I got on markdown at LinensThings before they closed. I've got some green beans in it. I figure this would be great for Bell peppers when they're on sale. I haven't tried this before today. I need to stop looking at it every 15 minutes and popping some green peppers in my mouth before I cover it up again. LOL

Appt with lawyer on Friday.


Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2, 2009

Happy New Year! Normally, I’d say and a Prosperous New Year but I don’t know about that this coming year. Perhaps Abundant and Enough New Year would be more appropriate and possibility better in all areas of abundance: food, health, good things, etc., etc., etc. and maybe a little extra money.

Made trip to Safeway, almost all out of pnutt butter and all jams! Got those and a 10 lbs bag of Basmati rice which they haven’t had before. Yup, it’s imported from India but I took it anyway. Burlap bag with handle and zipper! Cute!

I usually make a trip to Sprouts for bulk things but I don’t need to go there quite yet. My January trip will be postponed for a week or so.

Basic Stats for first business day of the new year:
Oil crude barrel: 46.34
DJA today: 9034.69 Optimism today!
S&P 500: 931.77
Gallon of gas here: 1.49-1.55

Don't have much to say. Everyone's attitude is: 2009 is some year to be survivied and save what you can; gotta get through it to get to better times in 2010 or not far after. Optimists are suggesting that mid 2009 signs of recovery will begin to show a little.

Peace to All, shamba