This is the Tulsi with the shadow of the old bush. The bricks that the oven sits on is the best general place to cook on the back patio but I have two small tables I also use to set the ovens on when I need to use it someplace else.
This is the west corner where the dead pyracantha was removed. The container of parsley, basil and oregano sits there right now but I don't leave it there because the sun is still too hot for it there. I wanted it in the photo though. and this is the Sun Oven I was cooking with that day. Also, you can see the corner of the red Tulsi oven in the right side of the picture. This is the sun mid morning to early afternoon in late September.

This is shot of Global Sun oven in the east corner of the patio. It is set up for late afternoon sun cooking 4-5:30. I will be losing this 5:30 sun in the next month. I'll have to cook in the front of the house as all direct sunlight is gone from the patio from November to early April.
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