Thursday, March 4, 2010

Update march 1st

I have a list of preps and I just keep working on going down the list. However, it seems like the past month I feel an urgency to get more done but at the same time I feel like a deer looking at the oncoming headlights of some big thing! It kind of saps the energy,too. and makes my neck and shoulder muscles tighten up after reading about this stuff lately. Need to do my shoulder stretches more or stop reading so much stuff lately.

I think this: "Well, look, there is that big Thing/collapse/market crash/outcry against city budget and it's coming and omy, it's as big and terrifying as the doomer blogs said it would be!"

More people of my circles are willing to talk about things aren't really going to get better for a long time. I'm not sure that's good or not except it might be a sign that more people are recognizing it's not going to be recovery by spring.

There's a small nursery that advertises "Vegetable Tube" gardening. I'm going to stop by there later this week and find out what that's about. Anyone here know anything?


A nice rainy day again! I like the idea of being inside on these cold wet days we’ve had but on the other hand, I’d like a week or so inbetween them so things could dry out a little more. My plants love the water from the sky though. My parsley has lost it’s mind (!) and has a couple of really thick tall stalks on it. After this clears out today, we should have a clear week at least so far.

Ran out of any kind of bread so to have some available I did a quick bread today, caught up with the turnips and roasted them and other root veggies. I realized I could use the oven for both at the same time. Used up the last of the dehydrated vegetable broth to drink while I was cooking. Last two pieces of pizza are for dinner. Plenty of green stuff for salads.
That’s all for now,

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