Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 10 and 11th and 12th

Have spent several days with solar oven cooking different things:

1-Beef tenderloin, yes this turned out really well in the global sun oven. I put it in frozen and it came out pretty well. I left it longer than I intended to, about 2 hours instead of 1 ½ hours. It was a little dry but still pretty tender. It was well done, a little more than I like it. I don’t purchase this expensive meat and cook it very often—maybe once or twice a year—but it is my favorite meat meal.
It didn’t taste like grilled on a mesquite fire, of course, but pretty good anyway.

I like vegetarian food but I’m still the meat lover I was raised to be on Midwestern WASPy cooking. :)

2-Baked sweet potatotes. These were better than I thought they would be with a little butter, salt and pepper on them.

3-Eggs. Hard boiled eggs; 4 eggs in global oven for a little over an hour. Actually, it was an hour and 15 minutes.

There are a couple of other egg recipes I want to try that I found at the and -- that last one is Sharlene T.'s blog.

I’m swimming in potatoes from the CSA! I’m eating them but they keep coming in good numbers. It's a good thing I like potatoes; mostly chpped up, like diced but not tiny cubes, with onions and just roasted.

We also got eggs this week, so it seems a good time to make the grits,chiles,eggs and cheddar cheese dish and freeze a chunk of it.

Peace, Shamba

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