Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 29-30th

Sept 30
Mom was very peaceful today; she also is quite unresponsive. Sghe talked a little last night to me but it was very hard to hear her much less understand her. I knew what she was saying:”I don’t know what I’m doing” or What can I do?

I told her she was doing exactly what she was supposed to and that she had done very well with her life. I told her that today as well. She was still somewhat agitated and restless yesterday and last night. She didn’t want too much next to her skin, sheet or robe or nightgown. Today she is much quieter with the white cat tucked under her hand.

--DJones actually came up today and was not as volatile as yesterday anyway.

--I went to get gas at the cheaper station at Bethany Home Rd and it was all out of all kinds of gas. They only had regular on Saturday; premium was all out and the guy said he expected a shipment but he hadn’t had one for the previous day either he was supposed to get. Station closest to home had enough of all kinds for a few cents more still it was 3.35.

--Got legal docs of Mom’s out to check on something. I’ve got everything I’ll need now.

--Made a big pot of veg soup this morning to keep busy.


September 29 Monday

Mom, Eleanor, is in Hospice of the Valley unit at Phoenix Baptist Hospital. She hasn’t eaten anything except a bite or two of chocolate pudding since Saturday noon meal. She just keeps saying she doesn’t know who she is and/or what I am supposed to do? She can be very agitated and distressed about these two issues.

Saturday she wanted me and the nurse to kill her, then that she was dying and was afraid and then a few times that she just wanted to stop and why can’t I just die. I told her is okay to die, and okay to be afraid and I was afraid too. I also always told her she was doing just fine and exactly what she was supposed to be doing.

I’ve been there every day with her for a few hours; but I am so worn out today I want to shut out the WHOLE F******* WORLD for a few hours. This also has to do with the finance news today—see below for that.

K. has to move from David’s to a half-way house; not more punishment/restriction but because of David’s connection with the Children’s Pool issue.

More news this interesting day (!):

--Yahoo finance headline at 12:00 noon MST:
Dow Plunges 700 as House Defeats Bailout Plan; Selling Intensifies- AP

--DJ down to 10,500; lots of acrimony about this not passing house between representatives. Most of the congressmen and women have been getting that most Americans don’t want this so they have every right to ask their representatives to do what they want. I don’t blame them but we will also get much worse sooner without the bailout.

And there will be freefall in the market until something is tried or we’ve hit the bottom.

--Congress isn’t supposed to get together again until Thursday! And tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah. So, that’s a holiday for them, too.

Got supplies last week from Sprouts of bulk items; I just keep buying food stuff! I want to get some more charcoal briquettes. I haven’t done any cooking since last Tuesday when Mom went to the hospital.

As for the October 7th date predicted by urbansurvival.com, a bank holiday?? I got a lot of extra cash from the CU last Friday and also made a large payment on what’s left on the credit card.

So much, can’t write it all down!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sept 24-25

There is much news on the financial and economic and negotiating of the bailout but I can’t recount it all because Tuesday afternoon, Mom suddenly had trouble breathing, and the paramedics took her to Phoenix Baptist hospital. I went to the ER and met her there, someone from the Stratford was there with her, thank heavens. They are good people there.
She’s been there for a couple of days, heart tests, lung tests. Maybe the beginnings of congestive heart failure. She knows me but even talking to e she talks sometimes very incoherently. That’s news for her but it could just be the environment of a strange place.

I will say that the nurses/drs/everyone has been very nice there and it seems she’s getting appropriate care as far as I can judge those things. I met the cardiologist and coordinating physician of hers this morning. One had called me yesterday but I wasn’t home I was talking to Dr. Riess and filling him in on what had happened. I feel much better after talking to them today.
Cardiologist said heart and valves look okay. the right side of the heart isn't pumping as well as it should; it pumps to the lungs. A pacemaker is not necessary even with a slightly irregular heartbeat. She's got several new medications that are helping her, heart stuff; no I'm not sure what all they are. she hadn't seen the pulomonologist yet so we don't know what's happening with her lungs.

She also ate well at breakfast and not too much at lunch. She was dozing off when I left.
PS.Congress and bailout supporters still negotiating.


Monday, September 22, 2008


Sept 22. Monday, continuing discussion of the "bailout" plan. If this doesn't happen in the next couple of weeks, like by middle of next week or end of next week, the economic/stock market reactions are going to be going down the tubes. This is the very thing the bailout is supposed to help put off because it won't stop it it will just buy some time, or postpone the great downturn for a while. I imagine a while is something like a few weeks to 2-4 months. that's just my own impression from what I am reading these days. Actually, I've been reading this stuff for at least a yhear and more like 2 years.

Oh yes, much was made of a barrel of oil going up $ the most in one day trading in years." It did, it went up about $20.00 from closing on Friday at 104.55, today it closed at 120.92. Our gas is still lowers than before Ike; and has gone from 3.59 the day before ike to 3.47 or 3.45.

Income tax into Michael today.. At least we'll get our $600 apiece, mom and i, unless the government runs out of money before then! It's scary and yet fascinating at the same time.

September 21, Sunday

I finished my part of the 2007 income tax; just have to do all the adding of figures for Mom now. This always turns out to not be as bad as I think it will so why do I procrastinate with it????? 
Text of Bailout has be printed and available for public, at least on the internet: they’re adding things to it like, foreign banks can be part of the bailout (WHAT THE F???? IS THAT ABOUT; that’s horrifying even to me and I don’t know enough about this stuff. I have to call Richard tomorrow anyway about money for Mom’s October bill.) Goodness, if my Mom knew what was happening she’d be freaking out; my dad would spin in his grave, or laugh, I’m not sure which. He doesn’t have a grave actually; his ashes are in a quietly wrapped plastic container in my house.

Also, this asks that the Sec of the Treasury be given any amount he wants anytime he wants, and the courts can look at this after it’s passed. Dictatorial powers to the executive branch through the Sec of Treasury? I read this somewhere I didn’t deduce it by myself…

They tinfoil hats are even more right than I thought they were! The “plot’ to take over the government of the US continues! Actually, I don’t believe in complicated conspiracies; I think its circumstances, sometimes swiftly moving unexpected circumstances that give rise to what the powers that be decide to do at that time.

September 18-19:

More stuff has hit the fan or it’s just splattering everywhere!

AIG bailed out by government; or rather, now owns 80 percent of AIG. AND the government now is going to form an entity that will buy up all the “bad debts” from the banks like the Resolution Trust did for the S&L problems about 15-20 years ago.

Paulson and Bernanke had a session on Thursday night with congressional biggies and they all agreed on the buying out bad debts. Also, the SEC said no shorts on about 800 stocks for 10 days. That’ll bring us up to the first full week in October when that expires unless it’s extended.
I talked to Richard on Wednesday after the AIG rescue but I haven’t talked to him since then so I don’t know what he thinks of latest development. He did say we’re going to 9000 probably—CJ rallied on Friday to 11, 400. Oil has come up to 104 or something; our gas has gone down 4 cents to 3.47. That surprised me.

Loaded up on cat food this weekend but I needed to anyway. Still buying at Safeway with my extra 10% off card.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 15, 16, 17 Boom, Boom, boom, ..... doom, doom, doom ...

September 15th
500 drop on DJA; Lehman Bros. has gone belly up. AIG, WAMU Morgan Stanley are not in good shape. AIG should be the next to go. I’ts a huge insurance company that has my mom retirement annuity—sigh, I don’t know what that means. I’m afraid to find out! Oh, yeah, Merrill Lynch has sold itself to Bank of America.

This was given big headlines around the world, but had developed over the weekend as talks were to save Lehman and so it’s really no surprise to those who have been watching this situation over the past several months.

Roubini thinks our 18 months recession will be over mid-2009. Meredith Whitney now thinks housing values will fall over 45% from 2005 to whenever it stops falling. She’s said 30 % before, I think.

Automatic Earth still says 60-80% and more on the 80% side these days.
I have paid absolutely No attention to the campaigns since I watched the conventions. I’m not sure why, the hurricanes and economic stuff is more fascinating I think. Also, a lot of the talk on the campaigns has been about Plain and her lipstick and whether or not Osama and McCain are insulting each other. Sheesh!

September 16-17
A lot of Sh*t seems to have hit the fan since this weekend; AIG almost was ready to bankrupt but the government has stepped in to stop it. This is GOOD for us—Mom and me—as she receives an annuity from them! If they’d gone bankrupt, we would have lost the money—so it has become VERY personal at this time. I rthought that was the way it would be but I wanted to ask him that and some other questions. DJA is way down, 10,700.

Talked to Richard, mom’s broker, he expects housing won’t recover for at least two years probably longer; the stockmarket will probably or could go down to about 9000, He is more sure that it will go down to that than not. He said we’re in for a rough ride and is confirming everything I expected. He moved a fund of my mom’s money into the money market, that means it’s in cash right now. He’s been a busy man the past couple of days! I’ll bet!

News from friends about others they know losing in this market:

--Linda’s music friends include a lot of real estate people on the east Coast, Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg, VA. One custom home builder has gone under in the past year, all their personal money was used to try to save it but they lost it all. I don’t know if that means they lost their own home or not.

--A respected yoga teacher of many years came to our studio to do a workshop this past weekend. I couldn’t go but my friend Barb said that she has lost a lot or weight and her beautiful head of hair is much thinner. Her husband and she have both been ill the past two years, they are not young, and lost their several investment properties they had near where they live in Sedona. I was very sad to hear about her and her husband. She’s travelling and teaching again because she needs the money. She’s a wonderful teacher and I hope to see her again.

--D. in Tennessee said her husband has lost his job and they don’t know if they’ll have to move again or not.

--I’m waiting to hear about the enrollment in our health plan in the next month or so. How much will it increase?? :/

-- And oil was at 92 dollars or something wacko like that with the situation in the Gulf. ??


Friday, September 12, 2008

September 11-12, 2008 Big Ike is coming ..

9-11-08 Regular Gas 3.51-3.52; Oil crude at . . Why so low? Govt or whoever/whatever keeping it down until after the elections, hoping Gustave and Ike aftermath won’t be too bad??

Ike is going to hit the Texas coast around Galveston-Houston Friday evening or night according to the Hurricane Center. It will be at least a Cat2; maybe a 3-4. It’s very large and spread out over a large area; it’s coming at high tide and this will add a lot to the storm surge. Gas has already gone up 20 cents a gallon in Nashville, TNording to my friend, Diana who lives there. She called and said overnight their gas went up thurriat much. But they live in a part of the country that gets all their supplies from the gulf Coast. Western US and Arizona get most of Gas from California; althoughAZ gets some gas from the Gulf.

According to Nola.com late Thursday afternoon, parishes in Louisiana are threatened by storm surge starting that afternoon! Recovery efforts have been closed down until the tropical storm threat from Ike passes by. Jeez these poor people!

And we have ANOTHER thunderstorm watch/warning that we’ve had twice a week for the last 3-4 weeks! All this rain is great but more than I remember in monsoon for a long time.

9-12-08 11.00 a.m

New online from different sources:

Masters’ at Wunderground Ike will be more powerful and destructive than Katrina or Rita or Gustav. Not just the category of hurricane but how wide an area it covers and winds and the energy it creates and how it pushes sea water or ground water into a surge. I certainly don’t understand all of that but Jeff Master’s says it could be one of the most destructive storms of all time. The whole of Galveston Island was supposed to be evacuated but only about 1/3 did.; as of the writing according to some estimates.

At TOD something about a military officer remarking on rescuing 37,000 people.

Aftermath of Ike, after all the other storms and stuff, will have a terrible effect on the ability to restore power after power crews have been out in Louisiana the past 2 weeks and parts of the East Coast had power problems after Hanna, TS , went through. 1:10 p.m. MST Downtown Galveston is filled with water already … 30 % of the city hasn’t evacuated and one bridge out is impassable and the other one has risk of high winds … there are only two bridges out of Galveston; Anniversary of Hurricane Carla, too.

People are making run on gas stations in the southeast, some station have rationed their own gas, sometimes they just run out. Governors in Alabama and Kentucky have declared states of emergency (have I got those right?) because of the gasoline problems.

Of course, it's going to price itself way up the next few days ...

From TOD: 19:55CDT KHOU-TV: Galveston has lost electricity. (7:55 p.m. CDT) Landfall from the eye isn't until midnight or 2 am. and look at everything that's happened so far. ...

Also, guy from wunderground.com says he expects a huge power outtages for Texas. I'm sure hemeans at least a few days if not more. 200 miles wide and 300 miles deep in from the coast--:0 Hope that area is over the worst of it's heat for the year.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 6 2008

Sun disappearing on the north side, patio side of the house due to seasons changing. I just have to move it closer to the north wall to cook with the solar oven. Temp are still in mid 100s about where they should be anyway. Cooking house for solar are now 10:30 a.m. to 3-4 p.m.
I just plug the cord that came with the oven into my extensions cord and plug it inside the patio door and voila! I continue cooking electrically instead of solarly! This works well in the shade between 4- 7 p.m. and it cooks quite well.

I’ll just have to try it on the front porch on the south side as the season turns more.
I picked up some small light weight round dark pans at Goodwill again. I bought 3 more and they can be used in the regular oven and solar. I was at goodwill to take a bag of things there so I decided to cruise around inside the store—it was 50% off day, too.

Signs of the times:
--My webspace is going up $1.00 a month. They haven’t raised prices in 3 or so years.
--Our laundry machines have gone up from $.75 to $1.00. This is washing machines and they haven’t gone up in years either. Most Laundromats are more.
--Mom’s residence at Stratford is going to have new management. I hope this avoids any major changes, like price rises, until a few months down the line.
--Gas is down and crude oil is down. Hurricane Gustav didn’t do much damage to oil/gas infrastructure; Ike will be around early next week. We’ll see where it goes. Josephine fizzled out in the middle of the Atlantic.
--FannieMae and FreddieMac are about to become part of the National Debt this weekend.
--11th bank for the year has failed; another rather small bank in Nevada. That’s 2 in Nevada with branches in Arizona.
--My house and car insurance went down 29.00 a month! They’re using credit ratings for criteria and I have decent credit it seems.
-- I don’t know how much my health insurance will go up this fall; enrollment is in mid Oct to Mid Nov. for us retirees.
--and, of course, the Whiskas cat food is going up some . It’s a little over $11.00 for that 18 pound bag; it used to be 10. Something and sometimes was on special for under 10.

also, Mom just seems to be disappearing before my eyes the past 2 weeks. She's also, too aware of the process that she's "going blank" as she calls it. she asks what she should be doing and when she's going to get over "this". "This" being the lack of initiative she can't come up with for herself. It's all part of the Alzheimers' disease. Lots of this process hasn't upset me I just know that it's part of the disease but this remark this past week really made me feel that I'm losing her and how terrible it is she is so aware of the demise of her ability to control her own consciousness.
That’s enough for now,