Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thinking about the coming heat ...

Some news from the big world: For the 4th year in a row, at the end of winter, the bee hives in this country, US, still have a lot of dead or mostly missing bees from the ones that were in the hive at the beginning of winter. This is the 4th spring in a row for this creepy disappearing bees issue. It’s also in other parts of the world. I don’t think we have a real handle on what causes this, too complex an issue for easy answers.

I'm putting up the shade cloth over the container herbs this week. They've done well so far but they'll need some help in the next few weeks to keep on going this summer. Actually, I don't really know if they will survive the summer but I'll give it my best effort.

The cat’s claw in the back wall is growing a lot faster since I’ve been watering this past week. Just a little regular water makes it grow like crazy. I’m working on getting it across the top of half of the block wall so it will help deflect the heat and sunlight that the wall absorbs in the hot weather. So far, the plant itself seems to agree with the way I want it to go.

And, our hot weather isn’t here yet. We hit 101 on Friday May 21 but we get another reprieve from triple digits for about another 5 days as a front blows through. Today was just dusty and windy but the next two days will be much lower in temps, about 80 degrees.

Mmm, the very old fridge is very inefficient also and it's freezing everything in it again. I'm sure this takes up a chunk of electricity.

Also, I got some window curtains on a very marked down deal and a Penny's card discount for fabric with thermal backing. I dug the card out of it's hiding place and used it. The thermal backing is supposed to help cut not only light but heat/and or cold. It definitely cut light and heat coming in a window with indirect light. Old curtains will be washed and used when clean when the new curtains get too furry from cats rubbing against them! Now, I’m thinking to do something with those very ancient drapes to the patio door. I’d get those cleaned and save them, too. There is how-many-years? of cat fur, dust, dirt and stains and who knows what else on those drapes!

I'm thinking with the way things are going in the economic and financial market place, I'm better off spending money on goods that will help the house be more energy efficient and more livable.

peace, shamba

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